How to Translate the Payments Hub?ΒΆ


From now on, you can also help translate the Payments Hub using Crowdin platform

There are just a few translation files which contain the translations strings.

To translate these files, for example, to German language, just copy and paste them into the same directory by changing the en to de in the file name (e.g.,, where de is the language code according to the ISO 639-1 and the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.

Then, just change the English values of the translation parameters to German.

Last but not least, set the locale parameter in app/config/parameters.yml file to de in order to load newly translated strings.

# app/config/parameters.yml
    # ..
    locale: de


You might need to clear the cache so the new files with the translations strings can be loaded properly. Just run command php app/console cache:clear.

Finally, commit these newly created files and open a Pull Request to the Payments Hub Repository.