How to Translate the Payments Hub? ================================== .. note:: From now on, you can also help translate the Payments Hub using Crowdin platform There are just a few translation files which contain the translations strings. - `messages.en.yml`_ - contains generic payment translation strings - `PayumBundle.en.yml`_ - contains translation strings related to the payment gateways - `validators.en.yml`_ - contains translation strings related to the validation To translate these files, for example, to German language, just copy and paste them into the same directory by changing the ``en`` to ``de`` in the file name (e.g. ````, ````), where ``de`` is the language code according to the `ISO 639-1`_ and the `ISO 3166-1 alpha-2`_ standards. Then, just change the English values of the translation parameters to German. Last but not least, set the ``locale`` parameter in ``app/config/parameters.yml`` file to ``de`` in order to load newly translated strings. .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/parameters.yml parameters: # .. locale: de .. note:: You might need to clear the cache so the new files with the translations strings can be loaded properly. Just run command ``php app/console cache:clear``. Finally, commit these newly created files and `open a Pull Request`_ to the `Payments Hub Repository`_. .. _`messages.en.yml`: .. _`PayumBundle.en.yml`: .. _`validators.en.yml`: .. _`ISO 639-1`: .. _`ISO 3166-1 alpha-2`: .. _`open a Pull Request`: .. _`Payments Hub Repository`: